What is CEA?

The Center for Applied Economics (CEA) was created in 1992 by the Department of Industrial Engineering at the University of Chile.

The main objective of the CEA is to apply economic theory to problems relevant to the economic development of Chile and Latin America. The work of its researchers focuses on:  the design and evaluation of public policies; the application of economic concepts to decision-making in the business world; and on the analysis of problems associated with economic development.

Our academics give great importance to teaching. They actively participate in the Master in Applied Economics (MagCEA) and in the Doctorate in Engineering Systems, a program that has a specialization line in Economics. At the undergraduate level, CEA researchers teach economics courses for the Industrial Engineering degree.

On the public sphere, CEA academics maintain an active participation in the public debate, with opinion articles and frequent appearances in the press. Their experience is required in the design of public policies, which explains their presence in various Commissions and Technical Panels.